Material swatch
Sometimes you may want to show your materials separately from the rest of the model.
Live Editor
function Component() { const viewer = useRef(null); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (viewer.current) { viewer.current.features = { UPHOLSTERY: "CORD_EMERALD", // or "SMART_LEATHER_SADDLE", "SOFT_WOOL_OATMEAL" LEGS: "TAPERED_METAL_LEG_BRASS", // or "TAPERED_METAL_LEG_BLACK" }; } }, [viewer]); return ( <cylindo-viewer ref={viewer} customer-id="5098" code="SECTIONAL PDP"> <cylindo-swatch feature-code="UPHOLSTERY" zoomable display-mode="fit-inside-viewer" thumbnail-crop="0.1,0.1, 0.2, 0.2" /> <cylindo-swatch feature-code="LEGS" /> <cylindo-swatch feature-code="LEGS" thumbnail-crop="0, 0, 1" /> <cylindo-thumbnail-bar></cylindo-thumbnail-bar> </cylindo-viewer> ); }
Name | Type | Default | Description |
alt | string | "" | Alternative text for the material item. This is used by screen readers. |
customer-id | string | null | The customer ID of the material to show. It falls back to the customer ID from the <cylindo-viewer> . |
display-mode | string | "cover-viewer" | Determines how the material image fits within the viewer's content area. |
feature-code | string | null | The feature code of the material to show. |
thumbnail-crop | string | "0.03125, 0.03125, 0.0625" | The crop applied to the swatch thumbnail. |
zoomable | boolean | false | Enables the zoom feature. |